
Getting Started

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Good Luck!

Loading A-fleet

What Device do I Need?

To run A-fleet you will need an Android phone or tablet. Many clubs have members with existing Android phones or tablets. Some clubs purchase inexpensive Android tablets (typically 7″ to 10″). These become part of their race kit, alongside the start box etc. A-fleet runs on low end tablets, but don’t go too cheap. We know one case where the tablet died several months after purchase. A-fleet is designed to record scores right beside the lake. So it’s best to have a responsive tablet with a screen that is readable outdoors.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab A (8″ or 10.1″) devices are reasonably priced and have proven very reliable for testing and club use. The 8″ version is a little more manageable, and you may be able to hold it in one hand or put it in your pocket.
A case or waterproof protector is a good idea. Some waterproof protectors have straps that go round your neck. Our experience is that regatta days are often wet! It’s fantastic to be fully prepared.

Some people use an Android emulator on Windows or Mac: This may be a good option to try A-fleet before committing yourself (or your club) to purchasing an Android device. But the beauty of a dedicated Android device is the ability to easily record, calculate and share scores at the lake, so we recommend that you eventually get one.

Google Account

A-fleet is only available through Google Play, and you need a Google account to purchase it. You may already have an Android phone/tablet with a Google account loaded. If so, you can skip this step.                       
A new Android phone/tablet generally has a first time setup that prompts you to add an account. If so, follow the prompts to add a Google account. You can create a new account, or use an existing one.
You can check whether your existing Android device has  a linked Google account by using Settings/Accounts (or similar). This menu should also provide the option to add an account.

Purchasing A-fleet

So, we have an Android device loaded with a Google account. Let’s purchase and load A-fleet.

Also check out the Purchasing and Loading A-fleet Video 

Click on the Play icon .

If you can’t see it, use search to find Play on your device. (Sometimes Google displays “Google Play”, sometimes “Play Store”).

From within Google Play, search for “Afleet”. A-fleet should appear in the list. Click on the logo.

Follow the prompts to purchase, install and open the app.

Note: If you use your personal credit card to purchase the app, on your club tablet,  you should remove your credit card details after the purchase!  

Google Play will install the A-fleet icon somewhere on the phone/tablet.

Using A-fleet


First Time Use (and after upgrades): Accept the License Agreement (not shown on video)


Video: Initiate Event Editing  (0:14) From the Events Screen, click on the Edit button (Pen).

Note: first time usage defaults to this screen. Use the “Hamburger” button (top left) and click on your event name (or “Event”) to get back to the Events Screen.

Video: Change Event Name (0:16) Change the name of the event.

Video: Save Event Details (0:24) Click the Save button.


Video: Entries Screen (0:30) Click on the “Hamburger” at the top left of the screen  to bring up the navigation drawer. Click the “Entries” button.

Video: New Entry (0:38) Click the “+” Button in the top right corner of the screen.

Video: Enter Basic Entry Details (0:42) Enter the name and sail number of the first Event Entry.

Video: Save Entry (0:45) Click the save button.

Video: Enter Remaining Entries (0:50) Repeat for the other entries in the event.


Video: Race Screen (1:13) When all skippers are entered, click on the “Hamburger” at the top left of the screen  to bring up the navigation drawer. Click on the Race Button (this will only work after entries have been added to the event). You should now be in the Race Screen. This is where you start recording the race scores. In portrait mode you click sail numbers at the bottom, in the order that boats cross the line. If you turn the phone/tablet to landscape mode the process is the same; with a slightly different layout. Use whichever orientation is most comfortable for you. You can switch between orientations without losing any data.

Video: Finish Boats (1:32) Click the sail number of the first placed boat (32 in the video) with a quick click. It is important to make sure fingers are clear of the rest of the screen, or the click won’t register. Continue with other finishes for that race.

Video: DNF etc (1:41) Long press on a sail number to register DNS, DNF or other non-finishing outcomes for that boat. Also used for “un-finishing” a boat (Return to Scheduled).

Video: Remaining Races (1:53) Click the plus button, on the top right, to create the next race, and move onto it. (You can later use “<” and “>” to move backwards and forwards through the races. Complete the remaining races (as above).


Video: Score Screen (2:15) Click on the “Hamburger” on the top left of the screen to bring up the navigation drawer. Click Score.

Video: Scroll Score Screen (2:22) Drag the scores to scroll left/right/up/down (if the scores go outside the boundaries of the screen).


Video: Initiate Share Scores (2:30) From the Score Screen, click the Share button on the top right of the screen.

Video: Share Scores (2:33) After pressing the Share button your phone tablet will pop-up any apps that can be used to share the file (Gmail, Email, Dropbox, Google Drive etc). Make sure you have a suitable app to share the scores.

Video: Select Sharing App (2:35) Click on the icon for the app you will use to share the scores (In the video, we use Gmail).

Video: Enter Share Details (2:40) Fill in the appropriate details (addresses/file locations). If email/gmail etc, you can do a Race Officer’s report or add any other details.

Video: Send (2:47) Send the message/mail (or save the file).

Note: you can use the Gmail account, on your device, to share using Gmail or Google Drive. You can also use Dropbox, Outlook or other means of sharing.


Video: View Shared Results (2:57) The event scoring is in HTML format. This can be opened by an email recipient or posted to your club website. Some clubs post this file directly to their website; others save as pdf before loading to their website.

We hope this gives you what you need to get started, and that you enjoy using our App. Many people have told us how A-Fleet has made their radio sailing scoring easier and more enjoyable. Please Contact Us with any questions, and place Feedback at Google Play

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