MYA HMS now available

A-Fleet’s MYA HMS enhancement is now released.


If you are unable to access HMS (see first step), check that you have Afleet version 2.053 or later. Check your Google Play. If you are not set to automatically update, you should see the Update button (for A-Fleet). Once you have the right version, you can do the following…
    • New Event
      • Fleet Type: HMS
    • Enter
      • Load entries as normal
    • Fleet
      • Drag boats into the desired seeding heat. Hint: the numbers at the top of each heat indicate the correct number of boats for that heat
      •  Settings
        • Setup desired number of fleets and promotions
        • Can be adjusted (only) at the beginning of a race (throughout the regatta)
        • Use Withdrawals (number) to restructure the fleet. Fleet numbers adjust. The bottom fleet takes the “leftovers” – boats that will not be racing
    • Race
      • Finish boats as normal
      • “+” to setup and score the next heat (as normal)
      • All going well, from this point on, the Fleet-board is used for reference only. Boats are automatically loaded into the correct heat. However you can:
        • Go back to the Fleet-board to drag boats between fleets if you want to change what Afleet has done
      • Warning: once a heat has been set up, boats will stay in that fleet unless you move them. If you change scoring in a previous fleet, you may want to move boats on the fleet board. This is deliberate – we don’t want Bill to miss a heat because he was unexpectedly promoted (maybe due to a protest that disqualified the previously 4th placed boat). It is the race committee’s responsibility to check the fleet board for correctness in these circumstances. The fleet-board will display issues with a “*” against sail-numbers in the wrong fleet.

When things go wrong

    • Have you ever run a regatta when everything went perfectly? Congratulations – you are in the minority! Afleet is designed to help you repair mistakes…
    • Example: It’s Saturday night, and we find sail numbers 80 and 08 got mixed up in race 4B, and they are recorded as finishing in the wrong heats…
      • To fix heat 4B
        • Go to heat 4B (Race screen)
        • Fix the finishing positions (slider)
      • To fix 4A
        • Move to 4A (Race screen)
        • Add boat 08 (the boat that sailed in Heat A, but got mixed up)
          • use “+” (beside Scheduled Boats)
        • Score 08 correctly in the heat (Finish button and slider – if they finished)
        • Remove boat 80 (the boat that never really sailed in that heat)
          • Long press on 80 (in the Scheduled Boats)
          • Wrong Heat/ Remove 80 from …
        • There are variations on this. Use Wrong Heat and “+” to fix races that are no longer on the fleet board
      • Example: the Fleet board is wrong
        • Move boats (by dragging on the fleet board) as required.
        • Afleet will stop you doing something catastrophic. For example, every boat must appear at least once in a race, and will prevent you inadvertently breaking that constraint

Notes and suggestions

    • If you are running an HMS regatta, we assume you know how it works. Afleet helps you through the process, but you really need the HMS basics to run a successful regatta
    • We recommend that you practice with Afleet at home, before you attempt to use it on regatta day. HMS is a major step up from single fleet
    • Continue to use paper. Afleet (single fleet or HMS) is designed to record results real time, as boats cross the line. In the heat of the moment, things can go wrong. For a major regatta. it is good to have:
      • the RO calling boats over the line
      • A recorder writing the results on paper
      • A second recorder entering the results directly into Afleet
      • A comparison between paper and Afleet, immediately afterwards. The “paper based” scorer calls out the results and the Afleet “driver” checks. This can be achieved very quickly (within a minute or so of the last finish) with two of you
      • You can then use the Afleet results to update the manual fleet-board
      • If you have any discrepancies, you have 3 people to discuss the issue and fix it (the RO and both recorders)
      • If you don’t have three people, it’s probably best to make sure you use the paper copy live, and then transfer to Afleet. It won’t take long
    • Afleet can be used “live” or you can update it later on. You can record on paper, run the fleet-board manually, and catch up on the scoring later; or you can do the whole thing live
    • Check for “*”s on the fleet board (beside the sail numbers). They indicate a boat in the wrong fleet

Thanks to all who have contributed to the HMS version of Afleet (in fact to those who have contributed to all versions of the app). Your feedback, encouragement, bug reports, publicity, testing and patience have made a huge difference. Did I mention encouragement and patience? There are too many of you to name, and we appreciate it.

Known bugs and deficiencies

    • We think you need more warning when you change the scoring, and it affects the next fleet. We hope to put something on the Race screen to make it obvious. Thanks to friends in Pacific Region – Canada who raised this issue.
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